August 30, 2016
Think3Dprint3D and Escher3D have produced the next generation of 3D printing electronics and firmware. This collaboration builds on the success of the previous generations of Duet 3D printer controller and the most advanced 3D printing firmware: RepRapFirmware.
There are lots of new exciting features with the Duet Wifi, including a dedicated wifi module, higher stepper and heater current ratings, and more accurate temperature control.
The Duet Wifi uses the TMC2600 stepper drivers, which include many features to improve accuracy, and torque. We've been testing it and we've really noticed a reduction in vibration at all speeds.
Check out more details and order by clicking here.
It's also easy to configure. Set up your printer and update the firmware through the web interface. No need to compile your own firmware.
Click here to check out the simulator for the web interface.
E3D has created silicone socks for your hotends to keep your nozzle clean.
The first and most obvious advantage of the sock is that it eliminates horrible blackened smear of burnt on plastic that we’ve come to know, hate, but accept as an inevitability. Instead you have a clean, attractive blue cover. It’s not just about keeping things pretty though, these add some significant functional benefits.
The socks are made from a silicone rubber, the same sort of stuff that flexible rubberlike bakeware is made from, optimising for temperature resistance and not adhering to molten plastic.
The most significant functional advantage is that they keep heat inside the hotend where it belongs, and not out causing trouble where it shouldn’t. This means you can have a powerful unducted blower fan pointing right at the tip of the nozzle giving extremely effective print cooling without causing a drop in nozzle temperatures.
Check out E3D's blog post here.
Get your upgrade kit here
Scaffold is E3D's new Water Soluble support material 1.75mm filament for 3D Printers.
E3D has been developing Scaffold for a while now, and it is now out of Beta and fully available. PVA-based, but different, E3D has printed some extremely complicated all-in-one gearing mechanisms thanks to this beauty.
As a support material Scaffold is distinctly superior to regular PVA, and is much easier to print. Scaffold prints easily, much like PLA, and forms strong clean support structures, with much improved adhesion to a range of materials. Scaffold is formulated to adhere best to Nylon materials, and PET/Co-polyester materials. Scaffold is a great match for Taulman Nylons, PET-G, ColorFabb XT, T-Glase and many others. Scaffold also works well with PLA, adhesion is not as strong as with PET or Nylon type materials, but good results are still very possible. Scaffold will adhere to ABS and most other materials too, but the adhesion is not as strong as with Nylons or PET/Co-Polyester materials.
Scaffold is an experimental material, and requires some care in use. The filament must be kept dry, the supplied resealable bag should be used for storage. Scaffold dissolves in standard tap water.
Scaffold is a work-in-progress, and E3D is working on improving it. We think it's awesome, and ready for people to start experimenting with, however we must stress that the material is experimental and requires a bit of effort to get results.
Learn more about Scaffold by clicking here
And click here to order Scafford
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